Unlock the true potential of your game's audio with the expertise of a dedicated sound designer and technical sound designer. From unique, immersive sounds to dynamic and ever-changing audio, these professionals can elevate the player's experience to new heights. Discover the benefits of hiring these specialists and how they can save on development time and costs in our latest post on sound design.
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If you’re about to take on a game development project as composer, sound designer, audio programmer, dialogue script writer / editor or content management, then you may find something of use to aid you in your quest! If you're generally interested in game audio development, then this might be a good read as to what's involved from a top down approach with a sprinkle of the nitty gritty.
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Video games need to overcome challenges in audio that are not found in other forms of media. Interactive audio researcher Karen Collins [1] weighs in on this phenomenon, explaining that media formats like film and TV use a passive form of immersion, the participant cannot interact with the experience, this is commonly referred to as linear media. Nonlinear media generally refers to video games and requires an active participant to take part in the experience. A participant can do anything that’s within the game rules at any moment in time, this level of interactivity raises problems or concerns within game audio, as it too, needs to react and respond in sync with the active player.
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A glimpse into the world of procedural sound design, what is it? Why use it? A quick look at the practise and how to implement procedural sound design by using the Unreal Engine, and a digital audio workstation (DAW).
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